I've been caught up with too many stuffs right now that I hardly breath and think wise. The play, thesis, presentation, assignments ....I'm about to pengsan right now. Haihh. Stressful sebab dalam hati meronta-ronta to get out awayyyyy from this place and breath. (Read: Beach) Please? Someone? Anywhere? No one? K. Tapi bila fikir balik, its not that stressful pun. Normal lah life as student. Cuma ada perasaaan yang rasa nak lari jauh jauh kejap je kejap je dan tak nak fikir semua ni. Tak nak hadapi kenyataan yang kerja semakin banyak and dateline semakin hampir. Tu je.
Yet, to whom it may concern, I just want to let you know that no matter how much stuffs I'm copping with right now, no even a day passed without me thinking of you . God know how I miss you everyday (yaa being cheesy now bare with me )and how I wish you'd be here every time I get tense up so that u could sooth me up with your magic! Hihi. Ok done membebel. Back to work.