Sunday, February 17, 2013

Hello Mello

Been so long since the last time I wrote for nothing. Heh. Done so much writing all this while but only for the sake of the freaking assignments.
I used to write when I'm upset coz I like how writing can make you feel so powerful that you can write anything about those things that bother you. Like if you're mad with someone, obviously you can't bite off his/her head in real life but you can write about biting off his/her head. Isn't that awesome? Its like some kind of therapy I would say. So yea here I am deciding to write again. Just for this case, I'm not sad or in need of biting off someone's head. Haha. No. I am writing again because I am now the happiest girl in this planet and I want to share it with the whole universe how happy I am now.

I'm just happy.

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